When you need a better understanding of your
mental health condition.

TNPC offers a variety of assessments to help us to choose a specific treatment approach or get you back to your day-to-day living.
A skilled evaluator will analyze and synthesize the data from your tests and provide recommendations specific to the individual’s needs.
Free 20 min consultation
Types of Assessments:
At the TNPC, our clinical psychologists offer a variety of assessments, including psychodiagnostic, medical-legal, return-to-work, and MVA assessments.
The TNPC stands apart from other assessment clinics because we offer integrated QEEG data as an option with the psychological assessment you choose. This allows the assessing clinician to integrate data from the client’s report, objective psychological testing, as well as EEG information, providing detailed conclusions regarding diagnoses and treatment options.
If you want to know more information about the benefits of a comprehensive psychological assessment, the process, and the associated fees, please contact the clinic.
Free 20 min consultation
A psychoeducational assessment is an in-depth, systematic investigation of strengths and weaknesses in various areas such as cognitive, intellectual, academic, social, emotional, and behavioural functioning.
This type of assessment is primarily helping parents and the school understand what may be causing a child’s difficulties in the school environment, such as: an attentional or learning problem, anxiety, or any other factor that may be involved.
Our psychoeducational assessments are unique in that every assessment includes a QEEG brain map, which is an in-depth analysis of the cortical activity in your child’s brain. Together the psychological testing with the QEEG help our psychologists understand the root cause of your child’s symptoms. The results of the overall psychoeducational assessment will help school-based teams develop educational programs and additional support in order to improve a school-grade individual’s level of educational success. It also can be helpful if your child demonstrates multiple symptoms (e.g., anxiety, attention difficulties, problems listening and following instructions) and you want to understand the root cause so you can choose the best treatment.
How it works: Before we get to know the inner-workings of your child’s brain, we want to personally get to know you and your child!
The first step is having you meet with one of our psychologists – it’s a bit like an interview. Typically, the psychologist will spend 60-90 minutes, some of which your child is present, and the remaining time with you (the parents).
Following this (in the same day or on another day), we book the cognitive, achievement and attention testing. This testing takes approximately four hours and we usually break it up into two sessions so that your child does not fatigue, which can affect the test results.
We then schedule your child to come back for an hour QEEG brain map (an assessment of their brainwaves). We simply place a cap with sensors on your child’s head, which is connected to a computer that reads the electrical signals in the brain. Brain mapping helps us understand exactly what is occurring in the brain and together with the cognitive testing, can help us understand the cause of your child’s difficulties. The QEEG is non-invasive and doesn’t hurt – it looks very similar to an electrocardiogram (ECG) for your heart.
You then come back in approximately four to six weeks for the feedback with the psychologist. They will review the results of the assessment, explain any diagnoses, and provide detailed recommendations for you, your child, the school and treatment/training options.
Free 20 min consultation
A neuropsychological assessment examines brain-behaviour relationships. More specifically, it examines the presence and severity of any cognitive, emotional, and/or behavioural difficulties associated with specific neurological conditions including epilepsy, traumatic brain injury, stroke, ADHD, etc.
A neurocognitive assessment involves the testing of several cognitive or “thinking” functions including memory, attention, language, visual-perception and executive functioning, in addition to a comprehensive clinical interview and the completion of several questionnaires.
The assessment can identify individual cognitive strengths and weaknesses and diagnosis language impairments, learning disabilities, intellectual impairments, neurocognitive disorders, ADHD, etc. Recommendations to facilitate success at home, work or school are provided.
Free 20 min consultation

56 Aberfoyle Crescent., Suite 730 Toronto, Ontario, M8X 2W4